St Hybald's Academy recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding, child protection and promoting the welfare of children. This policy applies to all governors, staff, visitors and parents. This policy has been developed in accordance with the requirements identified in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education
2022’ (See Appendix 1).
This includes guidance on:
- peer on peer sexual exploitation
- child sexual exploitation (CSE)
- female genital mutilation (FGM) so called Honour violence
- forced marriage (FM) so called Honour violence
- anti-radicalisation and the Prevent strategy
- children missing in education (CME)
Hibaldstow Academy will fulfil its local and national responsibilities and have due regard to the following documents:
Hibaldstow Academy will establish an ethos where:
- Children feel secure in a safe environment in which they can learn and develop
- Children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if worried or in difficulty.
- Importance and prioritisation is given to equipping the children with the skills needed to stay safe; including providing opportunities for Personal, Social and Health Education throughout the curriculum.
- Children develop realistic attitudes to their responsibilities in adult life and are equipped with the skills needed to keep themselves safe; including understanding and recognition of healthy/unhealthy relationships and support available.
- Children are supported in recognising and managing risks in different situations, including on the internet, being able to judge what kind of physical contact is acceptable and unacceptable, recognising when pressure from others, including people they know, threatens their personal safety and well-being and supporting them in developing effective ways of resisting pressure.
- All adults feel comfortable and supported to draw safeguarding issues to the attention of the Head Teacher and/or the Designated Safeguarding Lead and are able to pose safeguarding questions with ‘respectful uncertainty’ as part of their shared responsibility to safeguard children.
- There is a proactive approach to substance misuse. Issues of drugs and substance misuse are recorded and there is a standalone policy which is robustly delivered throughout the school and curriculum.
- Support and planning for young people in custody and their resettlement back into the school community is undertaken, where necessary, as part of our inclusive approach.
- It works in accordance with Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018' and supports the North Lincolnshire Children's Multi-Agency Resilience and Safeguarding Board (CMARS) to ensure children and young people receive the most appropriate referral and access provision; actively supporting multi agency planning for those children and, in doing so, providing information about the ‘voice of the child’ and the child’s lived experience as evidenced by observations or information provided the multi- agency forum.
All students have a right to be protected, respected, valued and to be heard. This will be achieved by:
- The identification of students at risk of suffering significant harm, exploitation or extremism
- Reducing the potential risks pupils face of being exposed to violence, extremism, exploitation, or victimisation
- Raising awareness of all staff through effective communication and training
- The referral of all disclosures to the appropriate agencies
- Addressing concerns at the earliest possible stage using Early Help procedures
- Working in partnership with the Children’s Multi Agency Resilience and Safeguarding (CMARS) board
Safeguarding concern and referral
If you are ever concerned that a child is in immediate danger please call the police on 999.
Safeguarding children and young people is the responsibility of everyone. If you are concerned that a child is being abused or they may be at risk of harm, you can contact and make a referral to North Lincolnshire Single Point of Contact Team on:
- 01724 296500 (9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4.30pm Friday)
- 08081 689667 (free phone)
- 01724 296555 (answerphone – out of office hours and at weekends )